I did this quiz, Battleground God , from The Philosopher's Magazine a while back and was reintroduced by Johnny Dee at Fides Quaerens Intellectum today. And since Andrew, Peter, Ben and I have been tossing around various ideas about religion, I thought this would be great to share.
You answer about twenty questions designed to see if your views about God are consistent. Unlike the What Religion Are You? quiz from Saturday, this one is more logical, rigorous and fair. It does not suppose any answer is right or wrong, but only tests to see if you have contradicted yourself. I did pretty well, with no direct hits and only one "bullet to bite."
See the instructions for explanations, and have fun!
There are more games on the site, which I have not tried as yet.
Politics, Ethics, Religion, Philosophy, History. A tradition minded look at things. From Canada's West Coast. Yes, really.