I submit, that a Tory who can't find a single disagreeable thing to say about Rosalie Abella, is a Tory in the middle stage of a brain transplant. This is the woman who attempted to establish, as a young family court judge, such remarkable legal principles as that no child support payment can be "inappropriately" high; or that the final, contractual terms of a divorce settlement may be reopened at the woman's whim. These, and other such creative judgements, were struck down by higher courts. But now, Ms Abella IS the Supreme Court. Her views on anal intercourse alone -- and they are extensive -- would have been worth exploring.Two:
It is that they [Jihadis] don't make distinctions between infidels. They don't seek "fellow travellers" as the Communists did, when, at the height of the Cold War, the Soviet state was massively funding, both openly and secretly, "peace" movements across Europe and America, as a way to subvert the Western democracies. ... To [the] Jihadi mindset, the pacifist, multiculturalist, "bleeding heart liberal" is not the "useful idiot" whom Lenin once defined. He is instead a symptom of the weakness of the West, to be exploited in an hour of historical opportunity. And so far as that "nice liberal" is useful, it is only by being especially easy to scare, and thus a means to spread panic through the larger society.David Warren, prescient as always.