NBC's Tom Brokaw takes aim at bloggers:
"What I think is highly inappropriate is what going on across the Internet, a kind of political jihad ... that is quite outrageous," the NBC anchor said.Do ya think? Smearing a sitting president during an election in wartime? With documents held together by coffee stains and cat puke? People should just sit back and let their bettors deal with the whole Rather incident? Is Browkaw one those media types that calls suicide bombers and child murderers "militants"? If he is, it's kind of funny that does not hold back in his description of bloggers as "jihadis." Maybe you should just go now, Tom. Your audience finally has a way of talking back and if you don't like it you need to leave the kitchen. Thank goodness for sites like Little Green Footballs and the Belmont Club. I have not taken anything in the mainstream press very seriously for some time. They have squandered my trust and it'll take some doing to get it back.