Alpha Patriot has some interesting information about the recent U.S. election. And The Tiger in Winter alerted me to a funny look at Democratic pundits reacting to the news that their advice was rejected. Jonah Goldberg notes that they're not taking it well: "[Dowd's] op-ed page real estate hits your desk like a bucket of vomit with some Body Shop potpourri sprinkled across the surface." Jane Smiley does little better. I pity anyone with someone like her in their family.
Finally, Jonah - smart guy that he is (for a Republican)- concludes that:
What Maher, Raines, and Smiley fail to grasp is that all morality is based upon transcendence or it is merely based on utilitarianism of one kind or another, and therefore it is not morality so much as, at best, an enlightened expediency or will-to-power. It is no more rational to vote based on a desire to do "good" than it is to vote based on a desire to do God's will. Indeed, for millions of people this is a distinction without a difference...