On average, for us, using NFP means abstaining about ten days per month (in a row). So about 2/3 of the month is fair game. But since we're not Catholic (and this is where I throw out some of the chapters in the aforementioned book, though I did weigh them a good deal first), we still do other stuff that can't result in the conception of a child. It forces us to be more creative and romantic--I even prefer it when we abstain from the overtly sensual and stick with affection, massages, etc.Consider this a supplement to the Posts that Rebecca and I have done on the problems with sexuality today (My posts are here and here, and Rebecca's are here and here).And when we do the deed itself, it's actually more enjoyable because of the fact that we can't do it whenever we want. It's like we appreciate it more. As for the notion that women feel the strongest urges on their fertile days, there is some truth to that (another reason why not being a Catholic comes in handy...ahem...), but overall, I don't find my hormones being the driving force behind the desire to consummate our relationship.
I have total peace about this area of our lives. I like understanding the way God designed my body. Sort of like how someone else might feel if they're able to fix their own car rather than rely on a mechanic. I also like doing things in cycles and seasons (rather than continuously), since that's also a Biblical principle of design. NFP allows us to plan our childbearing but still leaves room for God to surprise us if that's his will.
A non Catholic woman discovers Natural Family Planning: