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The Revolution of 1982

"... what we are and aspire to be is organized around the protection of equality rights, the protection of minority rights." Irwin Colter, Canada's Justice Minister
Really? Is that "what we are?" Or is that what Canada's elite wants?
The profound change took place with the adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. That was a constitutional revolution of 1982. Without that understanding nothing else can really be appreciated, and that’s where the transformative change took place; with respect to moving from a parliamentary democracy to a constitutional democracy; from the sovereignty of Parliament to the sovereignty of the Constitution; from the court’s as being arbiters of legal federalism to the courts being guarantors of human rights, because we Parliament, vested them with the authority to do so, and perhaps most important with individuals, groups, minorities now having a panoply of rights and remedies to go before the courts and secure protection for these right and remedies. Now individuals, groups and minorities are rights holders. We are rights claimants. Without that context, without an appreciation of the revolutionary change brought by the charter, we can’t understand how we have gotten where we are now…”
Is Coulter saying that Parliament really is bound by the courts? That the notwithstanding clause is illegitimate? That the Constitution was sold under a bait and switch tactic? If that's so, the constitution is illegitimate. But then these guys live on the bait and switch. They were going to do away with the GST, remember? They voted to back traditional marriage, remember? To answer by saying "oh, look at the time" is a bit much. Question for Coulter: Who will protect us from having to provide rights? Rights are not free. They are paid for by accommodation and by blood, sweat and tears. That is why they ought not to be placed out of the reach of elected officials. I would love to see the Liberals thrown out in a defeat that makes 1993 look like a tea party. Mulroney at his worst was nothing like this. I sincerely hope that Paul Martin is the worst Prime Minister I ever have to live under. He's on a pace to replace Trudeau in that regard. Maybe this is next? In the (very) long run little old me wants a constitution that limits government rights and leaves the rest of us largely alone. I want an accountable government, not one that hides behind the skirts of its robed masters, who in turn, through the farce of "living document" readings, become a law unto themsleves. If you belive in what you say, then run on it! Enough of your contempt. Tip: Leftists as Elitists ****** See Peter Rempelia's comments here.


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